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How to establish a sleep routine?

In Guide
Sleep training your baby and establishing a sleeping routine may not be as simple as you think. Your baby does not have the ability to sleep on her own even though she spends most of the day sleeping. She needs your assistance, to help soothe her at bedtime and comfort her when she wakes up in the middle of the night.

Newborn babies sleep throughout the day and night, but it is helpful to put them into a sleeping routine. You can adapt this to suit your needs. By sleep training your baby, you are teaching her how to sleep without any help from you.

Remember that sleep training is very beneficial for both, the parent and the baby.

When should I start sleep training?

“When do I start a sleeping routine?” is a common question from most new parents. Your baby and you need to be ready for it because sleep training requires a commitment from you. Sleep training will be different for every family, depending on the method you follow.

What’s the right age to start?

Your baby will not be ready for a sleep routine till she is 4 to 5 months old. But you can start inculcating healthy sleep habits right from her birth. An established sleep routine, like laying your baby down to sleep when she is sleepy, can be the foundation for a sound sleep training schedule.
0 - 6 Weeks Sleep Surviving  As a newborn, the most important thing is getting enough sleep. No need to stress over schedules, routines, or training here.
2 - 3 Months Sleep Learning Although it's still a bit early for formal training, your baby is old enough to start learning routines and schedules. Start incorporating a set bedtime routine and healthy sleep habits.
4 - 6 Months Sleep Training Now you can introduce some "formal" sleep training. Your baby's sleep cycle changes around this age, which means they can start to learn how to fall asleep and self-soothe.
Ages & Stages of Sleep Training1

Know how much sleep baby needs

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine2 recommends babies aged 4–12 months get 12–16 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period. We’ve written an entire article on how much sleep babies should get at different ages.

Is it ever too late to sleep train?

If your baby is over 6 months old, you might worry that it’s too late to sleep train your child. Many parents wait too long for their baby to be ready to be sleep trained. But sleep training has no expiration date and you can start at any age, even when your baby has grown into a toddler.

Steps to create a sleeping routine for baby

You need to prepare your baby's mind and body for sleep. The most important is to establish a routine and follow it every single day, which signals to the baby that it is time for her nap.

When starting to sleep train, your baby may initially be insecure and need you to be right with her to fall asleep. Gradually you can reduce your presence by not patting her down or sitting on a chair in the same room.

1. Set the scene

Creating the right environment is important when it comes to sleep training. Keep your baby’s room temperature cool and not too hot or cold. Make sure that it is dark enough so that it is easier for the baby to sleep.

2. Choose the correct sleep time

Select a time to put your baby to sleep and stick to it every night. Some babies are night owls, while others want to sleep right after feeding. Keep a watch for signs of sleepiness and start your bed time routine. The actual time will be dependent on your family’s schedules.

3. Put the baby down while still awake

Place your baby while she is still drowsy and awake in her crib. Initially, she may resist going to sleep all alone, especially if she has been in the habit of falling asleep in your arms. But this is an important step in establishing sleep independence.

4. Have your child sleep in the same place

Try and be consistent when it comes to where your baby falls off to sleep. When she is a few months old, you can start letting her sleep in her own crib.

5. Reassure her of your presence

Sit in a chair next to her crib and reassure her with gentle and occasional touches. But if she starts crying and becomes hysterical then you can pick her up and put her back when she is calm.

6. Allow her to self soothe

After a few weeks, during nighttime wakings, don’t rush to immediately pick up your baby. She might be able to self soothe to sleep. It is important that you allow her to learn this. Obviously if you find it necessary to pick her up to soothe, feel free to do so.

7. Go back to bed

Within a few weeks, you should be able to put your baby down to sleep, say good night, and leave.

8. Be Consistent

Remain there near her until she is sound asleep and always respond the same way to her night wakings every time. Do not make the mistake of being inconsistent. Your little one will surely cry for you in the middle of the night, go to her crib and check and make sure she is fine and leave.

It’s really important to know your baby’s tolerance level and if the sleeping routine sounds extreme to you and your partner, then don’t do it. It’s best to start it slowly and gently and see if you’re comfortable with it and if it’s going to work for you and your family.

As you can see, establishing a sleeping routine for your baby is quite demanding and requires you to be consistent. We know it isn’t easy seeing your baby cry, which might happen for the first few days.


1. Sleep Training Guide: How to sleep train & when to start sleep training: Nested Bean

2. American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation on sleep timings

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